Belt testing will be held on October 21st, 2013 at Kachi Hombu Dojo, 760 Halekauwila Street, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Students MUST complete the pre-test prior to taking their test.
1. You must complete and pass the pre-test.
2. You must have a clean karate-gi (uniform) with team patch and obi (belt)
3. Bring membership card (with all information inside the card & payment stamps up to date)
4. Filled out application form and the testing fee
$30 for 10th KYU, $35 for 9th KYU, $40 for 8th KYU, $45 for 7th KYU, $50 for 6th KYU
5. All the techniques for your specific kyu (rank) must be memorized and performed well. You can find them on our website
If you have any questions, please contact Sensei Robert Koncal (808) 389-5258