USANKF National Championship

Sunday, 04 August 2013 20:13

Eight students representing Kachi Karate Hawaii competed in a four-day event at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, South Carolina at this year’s 2013 USANKF National Karate Championships held from July 11-14. The best of the best came out to compete not only to capture national championship titles but also to qualify for the Junior and Senior U.S. National Teams. The team consisted of Krislyn Dote, Joelle Inciong, Shosei Anegawa, Tyler Fujimoto, Treyson Dote, Amy McNeill, Milan Twining and Tyler Yamasaki.  Both Krislyn & Joelle worked very hard to capture double golds in both kata and kumite.  Shosei, Tyler Fujimoto, and Treyson all swept their division in kata and received a gold, while Amy received a gold in kata and a silver in kumite and Tyler Yamasaki ending the four-day event winning a double bronze for kata and kumite. For Kachi Karate Hawaii, not only did we bring home national titles, but Treyson Dote and Amy McNeill have both won their respective divisions in kata to represent the U.S. in upcoming international events. Both students have made the U.S. Junior National Team to compete in  Columbia for the PKF Jr. Pan American Championships to be held in Columbia in August and also to compete at the WKF Jr. World Championships in Spain this coming November. Congratulations to Kachi  Karate Hawaii and wishing the best to these students in their upcoming events!



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